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  • See what other investors write about your stocks and dive into the latest news and analysis.
  • Thousands of forums such as the Tesla stock forum are just a click away.
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  • Discover our dedicated stock forum pages and engage with investors from all backgrounds and levels of expertise.
  • Share your opinions, get qualitative answers to your questions and discuss stocks with like-minded people.
  • Join now and make more informed decisions based on the knowledge you exchange with others.
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  • Tap into a network of experienced investors for tips and insights on the stocks you're interested in.
  • Gain new investment ideas through a customized feed that includes both content and conversations.
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community of investors

  • Unlock the power of our community! See thousands of portfolios of other members to gain valuable knowledge of their investments.
  • Follow experienced investors, traders or friends and find the latest strategies to enhance your investment journey.
  • Join our stock forum and become a better investor.
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Real investors.
Real feedback.

For us, transparency is key. With thousands of investor profiles you can:

  • View actual trades, portfolios and supporting content.
  • Post your portfolio and get constructive feedback from our diverse group of genuine investors.
  • Share and discuss your portfolio and improve your investment strategy.
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More than just a community

  • Use our powerful tools to track your stocks, ETFs and more in one intuitive interface.
  • Import any assets, including real estate, art and commodities.
  • Monitor your investments and make informed decisions about where to put your money.
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getquin´s stock forum is a platform that enables its users to exchange ideas, share their portfolios and engage with other like-minded individuals in the investment community. Investors can discuss different stocks and share their knowledge, read others' analysis or comments on posts from other users.

To engage in the stock forum, you can participate in discussions and post your own opinions and insights on various topics related to the stock market. You can also respond to other users' posts, share your portfolio with the community and get feedback from other investors.

No, it is not necessary at all. Our stock forum is open to everyone, regardless of their investment experience. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced investor, you are welcome to join and participate. getquin operates like any other social media platform, allowing you to interact with other users in a way that suits your needs and preferences.

Yes, you can use the stock forum and portfolio tracker completely free. Nevertheless, you have the option to use the Premium Version in the mobile and web app to accelerate your getquin experience to the next level. This includes an individual home screen, a premium badge, long term dividend forecasting, TTWROR calculation as well as our benchmarking feature and much more!

Yes and no. The default mode is “private”, but if you choose to share your portfolio with the community, they will be able to see the names of the stocks, funds or ETFs you buy. However, they won't be able to see the exact amount of money you've invested into each position.

You can get feedback on your portfolio by sharing it with the community on the feed. Other users can then view your portfolio and offer insights, opinions and feedback. You can also participate in discussions and ask for advice from other experienced investors.

To save a stock on getquin, simply navigate to the stock's page on the platform and click “Add to watchlist”. This will add the stock to your watchlist and keep you updated on any news or updates related to that stock.

Your data security is our top priority and we treat it with the utmost confidentiality.

This means we'll never sell it to third parties and – because your data belongs solely to you – you can ask us to delete it permanently anytime.

All of the data you share with us will be stored on EU servers.